zaterdag 9 januari 2016
Plant & Page Since I,ve Been Lovin You 1995.09.29
Page and Plant Albuquerque, NM, USA Tingley Coliseum
"Since I've Been Loving You" is een bluesnummer van Led Zeppelin, waarvan de originele opname te vinden is op het album Led Zeppelin III uit 1970. Het nummer werd geschreven door Jimmy Page, Robert Plant en John Paul Jones

James Patrick Page (Heston (Middlesex), 9 januari 1944)
Jimmy Page begon zijn muzikale carrière als sessiemuzikant maar kreeg voor het eerst grote bekendheid als gitarist van de Britse band The Yardbirds. Toen deze band in 1968 uiteen viel stelde Page een nieuwe band samen, genaamd Led Zeppelin. Met deze band zou hij bekend worden als een van de pioniers van de hardrock.

Robert Anthony Plant (West Bromwich (Staffordshire), 20 augustus 1948) is een Engelse rockzanger, vooral bekend als zanger van Led Zeppelin, maar ook om zijn succesvolle solocarrière. Hij staat bekend om zijn krachtige stijl, groot vocaal bereik en vaak mystieke teksten.
donderdag 7 januari 2016
Neil Young & The Blue Notes 1988-04--23

The Agora Ballroom ,Cleveland,Ohio,USA
Neil:Tijdens een toer met crazy Horse verveelde ik me een beetje.Ik begon te werken aan een afzonderlijke set als overgang tussen de akoestische en de electrische set.Mike Bloomfield had me al eens gevraagd om eens blues te zingen en te spelen.Hij dacht dat me wel zou liggen.En hoe meer ik het probeerde,hoe beter het me beviel.
Het beviel zo goed dat Neil een aantal passende muzikanten bij elkaar zocht en met deze"Big Band"een twintigtal optredens verzorgde in de kleinere clubs aan de Amerikaanse westkust.Het eerste optreden had plaats in een klein Mexicaans restaurant in Montebello.Los Angeles
Live in the City
Neil Young ,gekleed als een BluesBrother (hij heeft ook wel wat weg van Michael Jackson ,alleen danst hij wat minder)voerde de band aan,die alleen als "The Bluenotes"aangekondigt werden.Op de affiches en de tickets stond geen enkele Neil Young verwijzing.
This Note For You
Tijdens het optreden werd Neil Young door saxsofonist Steve Lawrence voorgesteld als Shakey Deal en zijn band. The Blue Notes bestonden uit Chad Cromwell,Rick Rosas,Frank Sampredo,Steve Lawrence,Ben Keith,Larry Cragg,Claude Cailett,John Fumo,en Tom Brady.
Ten Men Working
Neil:Het is echt niet mijn bedoeling om telkens met iets anders uit te pakken.Het gebeurt gewoon spontaan!Dit hele Rythm & Blues gebeuren is gegroeid uit dat half uurtje bluesspelen tijden die optredens.Je moet daar niet te veel over nadenken,misschien ben ik wel een gefrusteerd acteur die alsmaar verschillende rollen wil spelen.
Don,t Take You,re Love Away From Me
Het grote TheBluenotes,s tournee werd in augustus met drie optredens in Hawai afgerond.Daar kreeg de groep een award voor de beste bluesband.
Teddy Pendergrass (zanger van de begin jaren 70 succesvolle Philly Sound groep Harold Melvin & The Bluenotes)had omwille van het gebruik van de groepsnaam intussen een proces tegen tegen Neil Young aangespannen en gewonnen.Noodgedwongen herdoopte hij zijn groep in Ten Men Working en maakte onder deze naam nog een mini toer door California. Het werd trouwens toch tijd voor weer iets anders ,er stond een nieuw C,S,N& Y album op stapel(American Dream)
(Bron Neil Young Herman Verbeke Lucien van Diggelen)
woensdag 6 januari 2016
Long John Hunter (July 13, 1931 – January 4, 2016) R.I.P
John Thurman Hunter Jr. (July 13, 1931 – January 4, 2016), known by the stage name Long John Hunter, was an American Texas blues and electric blues guitarist, singer and songwriter. He released seven albums in his own name, and in his later years found critical acknowledgement outside of his homeland. Hunter's best known tracks are "El Paso Rock" and "Alligators Around My Door", the latter of which Hunter co-wrote with Bruce Iglauer.
Hunter was born in Ringgold, Louisiana.He was raised on a farm in Magnolia, Arkansas, but by his early twenties was working in a box factory in Beaumont, Texas. He bought his first guitar after attending a B. B. King concert, and then adopted the stage name of Long John Hunter in 1953
El Paso Rock
Hunter saw his first single, "She Used to Be My Woman" b/w "Crazy Girl", released by Duke Records in 1953. By 1957 he had relocated to El Paso, Texas, and found employment playing at the Lobby Club in Juárez, Mexico. He remained there for over thirteen years, seeing the release of several singles in the early 1960s on local record labels. These tracks included one of his most notable numbers, "El Paso Rock".
Its riotous, often brawling clientele included locals, cowboys, soldiers from nearby Fort Bliss, frat boys, and every sort of troublemaking tourist in between. Hunter kept 'em all entertained with his outrageous showmanship and slashing guitar riffs.
Fortunately, Hunter's reputation eventually outgrew the Lone Star State. His 1992 set for the Spindletop imprint, Ride With Me, got the ball rolling. A pair of albums released later in the decade for Alligator, Border Town Legend (1996) and Swinging from the Rafters (1997), exposed the Texas blues great to a wider (if not wilder) audience than before. The following decade, Hunter didn't record quite as often, but 2003's One Foot in Texas (made with his brother Tom) and 2009's Looking for a Party (issued on Blues Express) were both notable additions to his discography.
JULY 13, 1931 – JANUARY 4, 2016
Internationally known Texas guitar legend Long John Hunter,
84, died in his sleep at his home in Phoenix, Arizona on Monday,
January 4. His signature Texas blues were fueled by his single-note
solos and melodic, drawling vocals. The Los Angeles Times
called him “a top notch singer, guitarist and unbridled wildman
performer…a raw, feral talent bursting with energy.” During a 60-year
career, he recorded seven solo albums and a number of 45s.
maandag 4 januari 2016
Van Morrison & The Chieftains - Irish Heartbeat (1988)
Van Morrison is redelijk goed vertegenwoordigt in mijn verzameling.Het is moeilijk een favoriet album aan te wijzen ,maar Irish Heartbeat scoort toch erg hoog.
Irish Heartbeat is the eighteenth studio album by Northern Irish singer-songwriter Van Morrison and is a collaboration with the traditional Irish musical group The Chieftains, released in 1988 (see 1988 in music). The album was recorded at Windmill Lane Studios in Dublin, Ireland and reached number 18 in the UK album charts.
Recalled Paddy Moloney(The Chieftains)
" I think at that time Van was searching for his Irish roots. It was this man of blues, of rock ‘n’ roll, jazz and more importantly soul, coming home to his Irishness with The Chieftains and the music we’d been playing for so many years. Musically we were going to meet each other half way."
Carrickfergus (Trad.arranged by Van Morrison & Paddy Molony
"Carrickfergus" is an Irish folk song, named after the town of Carrickfergus in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The origins of the song are unclear, but it has been traced to an Irish language song, "Do bhí bean uasal" ("There Was a Noblewoman"), which is attested to the poet Cathal Buí Mac Giolla Ghunna, who died in 1745 in County Clare.
I wish I was in Carrickfergus, only for nights in Ballygran.
I would swim over the deepest ocean, the deepest ocean for my love to find,
But the sea is wide and I can't swim over, neither have I wings to fly.
If I could find me a handsome boatman to ferry me over to my love and die
. My childhood days bring back sad reflections of happy times spent so long ago.
My boyhood friends and my own relations have all passed on now like the melting snow,
But I'll spend my days in endless roaming; soft is the grass, my bed is free.
Ah, to be back now in Carrickfergus on that long road down to the salty sea.
And in Kilkenny it is reported there are marble stones as black as any ink.
With gold and silver I would support her, but I'll sing no more now till I get a drink.
I'm drunk today and I'm seldom sober, a handsome rover from town to town.
Oh, but I'm sick now. And, my days are numbered, so come ye young men and lay me down
Van & The Chieftains plays songs of Irish Heartbeat at the Late Late Show
Irish Heartbeat is the eighteenth studio album by Northern Irish singer-songwriter Van Morrison and is a collaboration with the traditional Irish musical group The Chieftains, released in 1988 (see 1988 in music). The album was recorded at Windmill Lane Studios in Dublin, Ireland and reached number 18 in the UK album charts.
Recalled Paddy Moloney(The Chieftains)
" I think at that time Van was searching for his Irish roots. It was this man of blues, of rock ‘n’ roll, jazz and more importantly soul, coming home to his Irishness with The Chieftains and the music we’d been playing for so many years. Musically we were going to meet each other half way."
"Carrickfergus" is an Irish folk song, named after the town of Carrickfergus in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The origins of the song are unclear, but it has been traced to an Irish language song, "Do bhí bean uasal" ("There Was a Noblewoman"), which is attested to the poet Cathal Buí Mac Giolla Ghunna, who died in 1745 in County Clare.
I wish I was in Carrickfergus, only for nights in Ballygran.
I would swim over the deepest ocean, the deepest ocean for my love to find,
But the sea is wide and I can't swim over, neither have I wings to fly.
If I could find me a handsome boatman to ferry me over to my love and die
. My childhood days bring back sad reflections of happy times spent so long ago.
My boyhood friends and my own relations have all passed on now like the melting snow,
But I'll spend my days in endless roaming; soft is the grass, my bed is free.
Ah, to be back now in Carrickfergus on that long road down to the salty sea.
And in Kilkenny it is reported there are marble stones as black as any ink.
With gold and silver I would support her, but I'll sing no more now till I get a drink.
I'm drunk today and I'm seldom sober, a handsome rover from town to town.
Oh, but I'm sick now. And, my days are numbered, so come ye young men and lay me down
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