Thema Woede/Wraak/Hoop
Voorgaande SFTH avonden kwamen er altijd
namen voorbij als Bob Dylan ,Ry Cooder JJ.Cale,Beatles e.a songs van
deze artiesten gebracht door muzikanten uit Zeeland. Maar ook buiten de
provincie gaven diverse zangers,zangeressen en groepen "acte de
precence". Dit jaar is voor een andere opzet gekozen,zeven avonden met
met als thema de zeven hoofdzonden gecombineerd de zeven deugden. Atijd
spannend welke nummers er voorbij zouden komen ,gebracht door welke
artiesten.De eerste avond was erg mooi ,genoten van de eerst tot de
laatste minuut.
Ik dacht dat ik toch redelijk op de hoogte was van de stand van zaken in de Zeeuwse muziekscene.En toch werd ik ook op deze SFTH avond weer aangenaam verrast door een zanger Jan Francois die samen met een uitstekende band enkele prachtige Jackson Brown songs vertolkte. En weer maar eens een bewijs van het vele muzikale talent in Zeeland
De mooie registratie is van Jaap van Visvliet.
The Pretender - Jackson Brown Deze song komt van het gelijknamige album The Pretender
Jackson Brownn :
not me exactly, although sometimes people applaud for me at that moment
in the song as if I am, but in truth there is a bit of The Pretender in
me, but it's anybody that's sort of lost sight of some of their
dreams...and is going through the motions and trying to make a stab at a
certain way of life that he sees other people succeeding at. So maybe
it's a lot of people of a certain generation who sort of embraced a very
material lifestyle in place of dreams that they had that sort of
disintegrated at some point."
Before The Deluge - Jackson Brown album Late For The Sky
Mooie uitvoering van een van mijn favoriete JB songs!
De band: Jan Francois, Anne-Marie vd Anne-Marie van der Vliet Henriette
Heijboer, Peter Wessel, Peter Westerhuis,Ad Osté,André André Moehijam
en Rob van Deemter
dinsdag 27 november 2018
zondag 25 november 2018
John Hiatt - The Eclipse Sessions, Recorded Live - Paste Studios - New York, NY

“It kind of came together in a serendipitous fashion,” Hiatt says of his 23rd studio album, recorded during 2017 solar eclipse ,
Aces up Your Sleeve
Hiatt recorded the album in Nashville over the course of just a few days in the summer of 2017, which happened to include the full solar eclipse that took place on August 21st. Never one to ignore the good fortune of a successful recording session, Hiatt titled the album after the otherworldly natural wonder.
Cry To Me
Though Hiatt knew it was nearing time to release new material, he didn’t feel rushed, and went into the recording session with an open mind and a blank notebook. “It kind of came together in a serendipitous fashion,” he tells Rolling Stone Country. “It took me a little bit of time to get to this one. We actually recorded it last summer [2017]. But the way it happened, I was not sure what kind of recording I wanted to do, to be honest with you. I was thinking about doing a solo record, just me and acoustic guitar. So I didn’t really have a plan, in other words.”
All The Way To The River
“It was the day after my
birthday, just coincidentally,” he says. “I hate naming records and
never know what to call them, so I thought, ‘Oh, The Eclipse Sessions.
That’ll work.’ But it seemed to fit the mood.”
Hiatt was joined in the
studio by longtime drummer Kenneth Blevins and bassist Patrick O’Hearn,
the three shooting for a stripped-down trio sound that would accentuate
Hiatt’s vocals and distinct style of guitar playing. They recorded the
album at the home recording studio of Kevin McKendree, with an
engineering assist from McKendree’s musical whiz-kid son Yates. By the
time the group finished a batch of 15 songs, Hiatt knew he had a new
album on his hands.
“They just started sounding
so good,” he says. “I felt like we’d made some really good music. The
songs started hanging together. That’s when you start to feel like it
might be worth other folks hearing, like you’ve got something that can
connect with people. People used to ask Guy Clark, ‘When do you feel
like it’s time to make a record?’ And he’d say, ‘Well, it’s when you
feel like you have 10 good songs.’ So it’s kind of like that. You go in
and you start recording, and when they start falling in place and
hanging together, it starts to sound like a record.
By BRITTNEY MCKENNA - Rolling Stone Count
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