James Vernon Taylor (Boston, 12 maart 1948) is een Amerikaanse zanger.James Taylor werd geboren als zoon van Isaac en Gertrude Taylor.Op 3 november 1972 trouwde hij met Carly Simon met wie hij twee kinderen kreeg(Sally en Ben)
Carly Elisabeth Simon (New York City, 25 juni 1945) is een Amerikaans singer-songwriter, voornamelijk bekend van het nummer "You're So Vain". Carly Simon is een van de belangrijkste artiesten uit de singer-songwriter-boom van begin jaren zeventig.
James Taylor & Carly Simon Mocking Bird
James Taylor & Carly Simon Close your Eyes (Old Grey Whistle Test 1977)
James Taylor& Carly Simon Devoted to You(Everly Brothers)
Dick Cavett Show 1977
James Taylor Carolina in my Mind Oakland Colloseum 1972
Carly Simon You,r so Vain
In January of 1973, You're So Vain was the # 1 hit song on the radio. Carly had just married fellow pop-superstar James Taylor a month before, so when You're So Vain hit the airwaves, it stirred intense curiosity about which one of her previous lovers was the subject of this wry nod to the male ego. click here to read the lyrics
Was it Mick Jagger? Cat Stevens? Warren Beatty? Kris Kristofferson? It was common knowledge that she had been involved with each of them in the past.
Carly has never revealed who she had in mind when she wrote You're So Vain, and over 35 years later, interviewers are still asking her this same question........
Carly Simon met dochter Sally Taylor No Secrets
In het boek"Girls like Us"vertelt Carly over haar huwelijk met James Taylor het volgende:
"I know he had a really tough time with drugs and I had a tough time with his drugs, and I had a tough time with Ben who was very, very sick," recalled Simon. "But I was terribly in love and I got a great deal out of that relationship and ... I don't think I would have changed anything except that I wish that James would have been happier with himself obviously. The breakup of that marriage was incredibly sad and difficult for me."

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