zaterdag 18 mei 2013

Van Morrison plays The Blues -T For Texas(Foggy Mountain Top)

               Van Morrison with Derek Bell and Clive Culbertson at the Riverside Theater Ulster

                  T For Texas(Foggy Mountain Top)

 Derek Bell (Belfast, 21 oktober 1935 - Phoenix (Arizona), 17 oktober 2002) was een Ierse muzikant. Hij was bijna 28 jaar de harpist bij de befaamde Ierse band The Chieftains. Op twaalfjarige leeftijd speelde hij al een pianoconcert. Na een studie in Engeland en de USA, speelde hij bij diverse orkesten, onder andere bij de Royal Philharmonic Orchestra en later bij het Belfast Symphony Orchestra. Toen hij in 1972 kennismaakte met Paddy Moloney werd hem verzocht een gastoptreden te verzorgen bij The Chieftains; dat zou uitdraaien op een lange loopbaan.

 Clive Culbertson (born 28 August 1954, Ballymoney, County Antrim, Northern Ireland) is the founder of The Order Of Druids In Ulster. He is a mystic, musician and healer. Culbertson trained with his friend and teacher, the late Ben McBrady, Aircinneac and Herenach of "The Old Gaelic Order"- the order that was in Ireland before the Druids came. Culbertson was given a lineage of authority from McBrady to start his own order - this work is now under construction. Culbertson is a bassist, vocalist, songwriter, recording engineer and record producer. He has recorded and toured with many artists - among his list of credits are White Roxx, Van Morrison and The Chieftains and the Avalon Sunset album. Currently he is bassist/vocalist and musical director with country rock band, New Moon, of which he is also a founder member. Their latest album, Emerald Country Shack, has received critical acclaim, and is a featured album on many radio stations in Ireland and Britain.[1]

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