zaterdag 24 april 2010

Dusty Springfield - The Motown Revue UK Tour 1965

These recordings are from a TV Special with Dusty Springfield, recorded at the Rediffusion TV Studios in London on March 18, 1965. Many big Motown names such as The Miracles, the Supremes, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye were present.


You Lost The Sweetest Boy

Dusty Springfield presented the weekly TV Pop show Ready Steady Go (with the opening line..The Weekend Starts Here) And since she was a big fan of Motown, this was a great opportunity to present this music to a larger audience.

Wishin and Hopin met Martha & the Vandellas

The subsequent tour through England, however, was not a success, the country was still completely under the spell of groups such as The Beatles, Stones, Kinks, etc. The Motown artists were still relatively unknown and therefore received little airplay on the radio stations. The result was poor ticket sales and performances in half-full halls.

I Can Hear You
Backing Group: The Earl Van Dyke Sextet

Ultimately it was a brave decision by Dusty to make this special, it certainly contributed to popularizing Motown music in England

Dusty Springfield Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien (Hampstead (London), April 16, 1939 – Henley-on-Thames (Oxfordshire), March 2, 1999) Springfield started the trio The Springfields in the early 1960s with her brother and another boy. A well-known hit of theirs was Little Boy from 1962. Other songs were Silver Threads and Golden Needles and Island of Dreams. The trio split up in 1964 and she started her solo career. Springfield was one of the most popular British singers of the sixties with no fewer than seventeen hits. With You don't have to say you love me she reached first place in the English hit parade in 1966. Her album 'Dusty in Memphis' is considered a pop classic, especially because of her beautiful soul-influenced voice. After 1970 her popularity ended. In 1974, the song 'Summer is over' from 1964 became a minor hit because Radio Veronica used it in the campaigns to preserve this offshore station. In 1987 she made a short-lived comeback under the tutelage of the Pet Shop Boys, which lasted several years. Dusty Springfield died at the age of 59 from breast cancer. Despite this, her influence is still very great on current British blue-eyed soul singers, such as Amy Winehouse, Duffy and Joss Stone

(bron Wikipedia)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Prachtig album van de week "Dusty In Memphis"! Dusty had al enige vokale ervaring opgedaan (als lid van The Lana Sisters). Tim Field was de derde persoon met wie Dusty en haar broer Tom een zangtrio vormden in 1960. Met de dramatische Italiaanse ballad "You Don't Have To Say...." , werd ze nummer 1 in Engeland en bracht ze het op een vierde plaats op de Amerikaanse Top 100.
    (bron Skip Voogd)


  2. Dat wist ik niet van The Lana Sisters,ze heete toen nog Marie O Brian ,vandaar denk ik.
    In ieder geval bedankt voor de info Elsa.
